Class MSSConstants
Constants used across the library.
Namespace: VRLabs.ModularShaderSystem
public static class MSSConstants
These constants are the default one used, when you embed the library you have the option to change these defaults to whatever you want
Name | Description |
CREATE_PATH | Default path in the create menu to place all options related to asset creation (new templates, template collections, modules, modular shaders). |
DEFAULT_CODE_KEYWORD | Default Keyword used for placing code templates, all modules that do not define custom keywords to place code templates will use this one. |
DEFAULT_VARIABLES_KEYWORD | Default Keyword used for placing variables, all modules that do not define custom keywords to place variables will use this one. |
RESOURCES_FOLDER | Default name of the subfolder of the Resources folder containing all the resources needed for the library. |
TEMPLATE_COLLECTION_EXTENSION | Default extension for template collections. |
TEMPLATE_EXTENSION | Default extension for templates. |
TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES_KEYWORD | Default Keyword used for placing properties from templates. |
WINDOW_PATH | Default path in the menu to place all windows menu options. |