Class ModularShader
The main asset used for the modular shader system, containing informations to generate a shader from modules declared here.
Namespace: VRLabs.ModularShaderSystem
[CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "ModularShader", menuName = "Shader/VRLabs/Modular Shader/Modular Shader", order = 0)]
public class ModularShader : ScriptableObject
Name | Description |
AdditionalModules | List of additional modules. |
AdditionalSerializedData | string that can contain whatever you want, it is originally intended to contain serialized data that you may need for your own custom system based on the modular shader system. |
Author | Author of the modular shader. |
BaseModules | List of base modules. |
CustomEditor | Custom editor definition. |
Description | Description of the modular shader. |
Id | Id of the modular shader. |
LastGeneratedShaders | List of shaders that have been last generated by this modular shader. Useful to backtrack from which modular shader a specific shader comes. |
LockBaseModules | Boolean to disable the base modules list edit. Can be edited by either scripts or the debug inspector. |
Name | Name of the modular shader. |
Properties | List of properties defined. |
ShaderPath | Path for the shader in the shader selector. |
ShaderPropertiesTemplate | Template asset for defining properties. |
ShaderTemplate | Main template asset for the shader. |
UseTemplatesForProperties | Toggle to define if the modular shader can use templates to declare properties. |
Version | Version of the modular shader. |